Prayer Problems?

Prayer problems, anyone? I think we could all say that we need to pray more. Yes, even pastors have need to pray more! Why is this the case? Is it because we have a low view of prayer or a low view of God? Is it because we don’t believe that it works? Do we trust in ourselves too much? 

Either way, what we need is for the Lord to awaken in us a passion for prayer! You need passion for prayer for His sake and yours. He deserves to be prayed to, but you desperately need it. You need it as much as you need your next breath. You need it more than you need money and time.

How come we are so quick to keep our phones or wallets by our side, yet prayer is placed in the closet until we need it? Prayer should be your lifelong, always-present companion. It should never leave your side.

Really think about God and prayer. His power is evident in His responses to prayer. His heart is displayed in His answers to prayer. He WANTS to answer you. He WANTS to listen. The fact that the God of the universe wants to hear you should blow your mind. Who are we that God would want to listen? Yet it’s not so much who we are, but who He is. He is the God who listens.

Prayer is more than answered requests, it is communion with the Lord. This is seen clearly in Jesus’ constant prayer life. How much more should an imperfect, sinful person be in prayer? It is a foundational part of a thriving relationship with God. If it is such an important part, then many of us are missing an important part of the puzzle. Or at least the piece isn’t fitting in right. We need the Lord’s help to put that piece in the puzzle and always keep it there.

Passionate, fervent, and faithful prayer to God will train you to do battle against sin. It will train you to be a dependent servant of Him. And it will help you to know the Lord’s heart, as He hears yours.

How about we end with a prayer that you can pray today…

Lord, break up my stony, prayerless heart and knead in a heart that loves prayer and seeks it with everything that I have. I am ready to change, I am ready to grow, I am ready to pray more. Change me and grow me, as only You can do!

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